My Blog List

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog 15: Revision of CATW 2

     The article "The woman who died in the waiting room" by bjeneen interlandi, was talking about a 49-year-old woman, who died in one of the largest psychiatric hospital in brooklyn the article clearly explained the sate of the woman, and how she was reacting to her mental illness, which was captured by the security camera in the waiting room. at that stage, but no one came to help her, but when she was dead, thats when help came, and they found out that she was bleading.
     the idea that is most important to me is that with just 50,000 inpatient psychiatric beds for tens of millions of people across the country, the mentally ill typically wait twice as long for treatment as other patient population do, which means that the governement, who are people that controles what happens in the country , are forgeting about the poor, and the mentally ill citizen. to avoid this case from repeating it's self, the government, should provide more psychiatric hospital in the country since it has more mentaly ill patient than any other patient populationhas. for instance i have a friend how was  mentally ill and went to the psychiatric hospital several times but couldn't be treated because of the large population of people he finds there there any time he goes there, but at last he was finally able to see the psychiatric doctor who told him that if he had came early, he would have been treated quick and saved alot of money, so he ended up paying extra for his treatament
     the case of late miss esmin green wa a sad and disturbing one but we learn from our mistakes, so i want the government to take that case as a mistake and try to improve or provid more public psychiatric hospital all over the country.

blog 16

   The article "how to do one thing at a time" is basiclly talking about the disadvantages and treatment of multi-tasking to our brain.An experiment was carried out at stanford university, where students where asked to multi-task,and some others were asked to work on it individually on the same task.After several minutes, the result was that the single-taskers did better than the multi-tasking is not yet known, but however you could repair your power of concentration by solution such as yoga acupuncture.
    the idea that i thing is most important to me is that "A tremendous amount of evidence shows that the brain does better when it's performing tasks in sequence rather than all at once. multi-tasking had been part of my life in my early years of high school, doing two things simultaneously, always helped me finish all my work on time, but less effective, And i always wonder why i was never doing well in school. One day on my way to school, i came across an article on a magazine about multi-tasking and it's chronic effect on the brain, i read the magazine and i found out that you are less effective when you multi-task, and i decided to give it a try, when i got home, i started doing all my home work in seguence, and i started having good grades in school.
     Also my friend who has lost his ability to concentrat because of chronic multi-tasking, took my advice and started taking yoga classes, and which helped him tremendously to sharpen his focus, because he was almost at the point of loossing his job, because he couldn't do any thing efficiently, and that was unlikely for a 4.0 graudate of business admin.
        yes we all know that multi-tasking is bad to our health both mentally and physically, but we still go ahead in doing it, because besed on the economical problems we have nowadays, we have to keep up to our various jobs,family,friend, and because of the need and the demand of doing this daily activites, multi-tasking has become part of us.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blog 14: Learning from another ENG 99

the summary did not have any structure, even though the writer stated the main idea of the passage, but the use of the words "I strongly agree" completely ruled out the summary because, a summary is not suppose to have an opinion. The writer did not put the supporting idea in the right places and the writers most important idea in the passage is suppose to be in the stated. But he had a good body paragraph and supported it well.
post 2
also had the same problem with the first one, but they could improve there summary by stateing clearly the authors and their main idea, and the suporting idea.
for me i thing this is the passing eassy, but the the summary was too long, but every other thing was good, the main idea, supporting idea, examples.

1: POST 3
2: POST 1
3: POST 2

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog 12: Consequentialism

      The movie ''Gone Baby Gone'' was talking about the choices people make, and then consequences. it specifically talked about the investigation by two private investigators, Patrick and Angela who searched for an abducted four-year-old girl Amanda, who was talking from her drug dealing mother Helene, that never cared of provided for her . Patrick and Angela where hired by the Helene aunty to help solve the case. In the course of solving the case, the investigator found a link with Helene and cheese also a drug dealer, who Helene stole money from. Patrick suspected that he might be the kidnapper and decided to make a deal with him in exchange of his money. but what Patrick didn't know was that the kidnap itself was a setup by the cops he was working with. And in the completions of this task both Patrick and the cops committed murder and  remmy and Nike lost their life’s. and at the end of the movie Patrick and Angela found out that Amanda was still alive, and she was happy with the captian.this left Patrick with a big decision to make. Patrick threatens to call the authorities, but Doyle attempts to convince him that Amanda is better off living with them than with her drug-addicted mother. Patrick leaves and discusses the choices with Angie, who says she will leave him if he calls the police, since Amanda is much better off with the Doyles, and the did what he taught was right and called the authorities, and return Amanda to her mum.

           In the movie,Angie,Sergeant Remy,Capt.Doyle,nick and amanda's uncle Lionel, believed in Consequentialism. because they all working for the best interest of Amanda, that is to keep her away from her drug-addicted, careless mother, no matter the consequences, even thought it could cost many peoples life, even theirs. So that Amanda could live a happy and better life with the captain. They also believed that even thought they committed murder in the act of kidnaping, and keeping Amanda, was all good because they did it in other to save a life.
         Also in the movie Patrick was believed to be a ethical absolutism, because he believed that a murder should be punishable by murder that why he shot that man who molested and killed a child, and he also belief that a child should never be taken away from his or her mother, that’s why he did everything possible in his will to get Amanda back to her mother, even though he knew that amanda would have a better life with the captain.
         Personally in my own point of view, i thing the movie did not take a side, because the movie made us know that what the captain and his other accomplishes, did everything they did because of the interest and wellbeing of Amanda. and on the other hand Patrick was also going everything for the best interest of Amanda and her mum, and also what he believe in.