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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog 12: Consequentialism

      The movie ''Gone Baby Gone'' was talking about the choices people make, and then consequences. it specifically talked about the investigation by two private investigators, Patrick and Angela who searched for an abducted four-year-old girl Amanda, who was talking from her drug dealing mother Helene, that never cared of provided for her . Patrick and Angela where hired by the Helene aunty to help solve the case. In the course of solving the case, the investigator found a link with Helene and cheese also a drug dealer, who Helene stole money from. Patrick suspected that he might be the kidnapper and decided to make a deal with him in exchange of his money. but what Patrick didn't know was that the kidnap itself was a setup by the cops he was working with. And in the completions of this task both Patrick and the cops committed murder and  remmy and Nike lost their life’s. and at the end of the movie Patrick and Angela found out that Amanda was still alive, and she was happy with the captian.this left Patrick with a big decision to make. Patrick threatens to call the authorities, but Doyle attempts to convince him that Amanda is better off living with them than with her drug-addicted mother. Patrick leaves and discusses the choices with Angie, who says she will leave him if he calls the police, since Amanda is much better off with the Doyles, and the did what he taught was right and called the authorities, and return Amanda to her mum.

           In the movie,Angie,Sergeant Remy,Capt.Doyle,nick and amanda's uncle Lionel, believed in Consequentialism. because they all working for the best interest of Amanda, that is to keep her away from her drug-addicted, careless mother, no matter the consequences, even thought it could cost many peoples life, even theirs. So that Amanda could live a happy and better life with the captain. They also believed that even thought they committed murder in the act of kidnaping, and keeping Amanda, was all good because they did it in other to save a life.
         Also in the movie Patrick was believed to be a ethical absolutism, because he believed that a murder should be punishable by murder that why he shot that man who molested and killed a child, and he also belief that a child should never be taken away from his or her mother, that’s why he did everything possible in his will to get Amanda back to her mother, even though he knew that amanda would have a better life with the captain.
         Personally in my own point of view, i thing the movie did not take a side, because the movie made us know that what the captain and his other accomplishes, did everything they did because of the interest and wellbeing of Amanda. and on the other hand Patrick was also going everything for the best interest of Amanda and her mum, and also what he believe in.


  1. In the first paragraph Onyeka provided a thorough summary of the movie she described all the main characters and the basic plot line of the movie. In the first sentence of the first paragraph she provided us with the topic sentence or thesis so you could follow what she was going to discuss in the paragraph so kudos for that because that is a common mistake I make all the time. She got the first paragraph right on and even discusses the choice that both parties in the movie made which later in the essay lead to the two philosophies we are talking about.
    The second paragraph contains all the characters that fall into the category of the absolute consequetionalism philosophy which included Angie,Sergeant Remy,Capt.Doyle,nick and Amanda's uncle Lionel, and then she went on to discuss what consequetionalism meant and how each character applied to that belief/ philosophy. The next paragraph she stated how Patrick (which I presume was the only character that believed in ethical absolutism in the movie) did what he had to do in order to return Amanda to her mother. In the paragraph she stated “[Patrick] was believed to be a ethical absolutism” that sentence was not correct because one cannot be a belief, so she should be careful with the way she words her sentences next time.
    The fourth paragraph she did state how in her view the movie does not take any particular side in favoring either absolute consequetionalism nor ethical absolutism but shows both philosophies, I never thought about it but I do agree with her she was very insightful. So Overall she followed all the directions that were given so good for her because sometimes what can make you fail can be the fact that a person will not follow directions but throughout the post there several grammatical errors please try to stay in one tense either past,present, or future and check for spelling. She used too many periods and when you do make sure to start the new sentence with a capital letter but good job at the end!

  2. mr john,thanks for the comment but i am a boy not a girl lol
