My Blog List

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog 7: The Heroic Choices in The Matrix

The Choices that neo made
1- he had to choose from the red or the blue pill.
2-he had a choice to stay as a computer hacker or to work in one of the best software company
3-he had a choice to pull out the plug from morphous or to save him
4-he had the choice to teleport his self back to the ship or to stay and fight the agent
5- he had the choice to let trinity die in the helecopter or to save her
6- he had the choice to beleave what the oracle said or not.
Some of the important  choices that show he is the hero of the story
 -he had to choose from the red or the blue pill.
he had a choice: To take the blue pill and stay in his current
existence or take the red pill and see "how far down the rabbit hole
-he had a choice to pull out the plug from morphous or to save him. in that scene, he showed the ture qualitys of a hero he decided to die trying to save morphous than to watch him die, because morphous sacrificed himself for them.
 -he had the choice to teleport his self back to the ship or to stay and fight the agent, in this scene he also showed som quality of a hero,he showed courage the ability to face his fears.
-he had the choice to let trinity die in the helecopter or to save her,he show the spirte of determination and never give up.

Monday, March 28, 2011

i know the thruth, so don't bother me with facts

     The article i know the thruth but don't bother me with facts was talking about about how people belive in what they want based on what they see, heard,or read. even if the fact or the actual truth is been revealed to them. like in the case of aluminum foil hat,and the presidents birth place. the author also talked about how easy it is to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes, like the controverse of building a 13-story islamic cultural center planned  at ground zero, which does not consist of only a mosque but other recrational and educational facilities. consequently a research was carried out in ohio state university where 750 people who reported being familiar and believing at least one of the rumors about the proposed center, and 28% rejected the rumors, while 35% acknowledged that there where some truth in the information after giving them full, written rebuttals of the rumors i.e (the facts).
    the world today is fill with many wrong information, and people beleave what ever they want to, base on where their form,what they grow up with and their religious belives, and no matter how you try to convince them, they ignore facts because they beleave its not true.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog 4-The Allegory of the Cave

    In the book the allegory of the cave by Plato, the author was talking about how people lived in an illusion. Plato describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows. According to the author, the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality. and when one of the prisoners was set free to have a view of reality, he now realize that he was living in a false life all through his life .So he went back to the cave to change his fellow prisoners view of life, But they all disagree with him and said that he has lost his sight, and he will be sentenced to death. The author then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not make up reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.

Monday, March 14, 2011


      The article hype is basically talking about the mental pollution, and it gave advertisement as the most prevalant and toxic of the mental pollutant. because all through our day to day activities we come across with several different ad or listen to different ads expecially in north america. you find ad every where you go, from your house to school, to super markets, even on your way back home ,in buses and bill boards.and ranging from 12 billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200,000 tv commercial ad is been dumped in north america every day.  i can not be avoided so i becomes part of us.As the author said ''in the silent moments of my life,i often used to hear beethoven's ninth symphony play in my head''.what matters most ot me is that  every day an estimated 12billion display ads,3million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 tv commercial are dumped into north america's collective unconscious.
     As the economy grows, different company finds different ways to make their products known to the world. so they conduct research to find out what to do to their ads of where to put it in order for their costumers to see it or for them to beat other competitors. by doing that they dump millions of ads in the society forgeting about its effects and mental pollution. today you find ads in the internet, mobile phones, news papers, etc. and many research has identefie ads asthe most prevalent and toxic.Capitalist marketing and advertising has polluted our minds and environment from outdoor signs to TV commercials. Now, it pollutes the Internet with all sorts of new attempts at promotion. because they think that we need ads to get and find the information, products and services we need. we prefer to use sites like which is free from different promotions or advertisement.
     according to what i have read in this article and on my research, i thing that the goverment should creat a policy that prevent the multiple dumping of advertisements, and find a way to reduce the rate of radio and tv ads.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog 1: " How to do one thing at a time"

    The article "How to do one thing at a time" is completely talking about multi-tasking and it's effects. the author says that we can not attempt demanding tasks simultaneously because we will end up doing nether as well as we should, due to the brain has capable limits, and our brain does better when it performs task in sequence rather than all at once.
    Doing two things at once is two sided when it comes to different people and in different aspects of life.some people beleave that multi-tasking is good and it helps them in their dat to day activities like texting while driving, listening to music while reading, making calls while sending mails.and it helps them to do these activities faster. but i think that they are wrong if they knew the side effects and the damages it does to their health, like,making them lose focus and lack of concentration, they would have a second tought and do one thing at a time. when they do one thing at a time they find out that they do it well than when they multi-task.
    Asa student i was multi-tasking in my early stage of school when i was to do like five assignement in one day from different subject and classes.i always multi-task so that i can be able to finish it that day and on time. i will have different assignement on my table at the same time doing my house work.latter in my life i found out that i was not getting good grades in the assignement because i was doing different things at once, so i restructured my time table and fixed in a specific subject for a specific time and including my house works,and i began to get good grade.
   based on what i have read and my life experince i say and recomend doing one thing at once so that you can get effectivly what you want  or keep your brain in a good manner.