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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog 1: " How to do one thing at a time"

    The article "How to do one thing at a time" is completely talking about multi-tasking and it's effects. the author says that we can not attempt demanding tasks simultaneously because we will end up doing nether as well as we should, due to the brain has capable limits, and our brain does better when it performs task in sequence rather than all at once.
    Doing two things at once is two sided when it comes to different people and in different aspects of life.some people beleave that multi-tasking is good and it helps them in their dat to day activities like texting while driving, listening to music while reading, making calls while sending mails.and it helps them to do these activities faster. but i think that they are wrong if they knew the side effects and the damages it does to their health, like,making them lose focus and lack of concentration, they would have a second tought and do one thing at a time. when they do one thing at a time they find out that they do it well than when they multi-task.
    Asa student i was multi-tasking in my early stage of school when i was to do like five assignement in one day from different subject and classes.i always multi-task so that i can be able to finish it that day and on time. i will have different assignement on my table at the same time doing my house work.latter in my life i found out that i was not getting good grades in the assignement because i was doing different things at once, so i restructured my time table and fixed in a specific subject for a specific time and including my house works,and i began to get good grade.
   based on what i have read and my life experince i say and recomend doing one thing at once so that you can get effectivly what you want  or keep your brain in a good manner.

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