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Monday, March 14, 2011


      The article hype is basically talking about the mental pollution, and it gave advertisement as the most prevalant and toxic of the mental pollutant. because all through our day to day activities we come across with several different ad or listen to different ads expecially in north america. you find ad every where you go, from your house to school, to super markets, even on your way back home ,in buses and bill boards.and ranging from 12 billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200,000 tv commercial ad is been dumped in north america every day.  i can not be avoided so i becomes part of us.As the author said ''in the silent moments of my life,i often used to hear beethoven's ninth symphony play in my head''.what matters most ot me is that  every day an estimated 12billion display ads,3million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 tv commercial are dumped into north america's collective unconscious.
     As the economy grows, different company finds different ways to make their products known to the world. so they conduct research to find out what to do to their ads of where to put it in order for their costumers to see it or for them to beat other competitors. by doing that they dump millions of ads in the society forgeting about its effects and mental pollution. today you find ads in the internet, mobile phones, news papers, etc. and many research has identefie ads asthe most prevalent and toxic.Capitalist marketing and advertising has polluted our minds and environment from outdoor signs to TV commercials. Now, it pollutes the Internet with all sorts of new attempts at promotion. because they think that we need ads to get and find the information, products and services we need. we prefer to use sites like which is free from different promotions or advertisement.
     according to what i have read in this article and on my research, i thing that the goverment should creat a policy that prevent the multiple dumping of advertisements, and find a way to reduce the rate of radio and tv ads.

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